Why Not A Aquamarine Ring?

Carat Aquamarine

This March birthstone is a member of the beryl family. Therefore it is closely related to emerald and morganite. Aquamarine is well-known for its blue color. Aquamarine suits almost all types of jewelry.  So, if you’re thinking of adding aquamarine to your collection check this ring out.

                                                      Sterling Silver 6.39ct, CZ Aquamarine Ring      

Aquamarine engagement Ring

Since aquamarines are available in large sizes, there’s no incremental increase in price for each carat for large gems. Setting and wearing stones of that size can be difficult, so there’s less demand for them.

What Does Aquamarine Symbole?

In Western cultures, due to aquamarine’s color and name. so, this gem is folklore connected to the sea. It is mystical which includes protection for sailors and fishermen.
